Mark Lawrence's Great Self-published Fantasy Write-off
Back in March I discovered Mark Lawrence's writing/review blog and his post detailing a contest. He gathered together quite a few book bloggers to try to find some of the best self-published fantasy novels. And I thought to myself "why not try it out?" But not as a blogger. As an author. He has a warning on the post saying that sci-fi was going to need to work harder to get to the top, but I know 'Revealing the Revolution' is a hard worker. It's about a professional athletic team after all! My book was assigned to Tyson Mauermann of The Speculative Book Review and wouldn't you know it, but I haven't been cut yet! In fact, I noticed the other day that Mr. Mauermann rated 'Revealing the Revolution' 3 stars on Goodreads (which equates to "I like it") which is still a positive rating!
I will keep everyone updated, especially if he posts a review on his blog which you all need to check out. He's reviewed some pretty interesting books.
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