Tuesday 14 April 2015

Book review: Mr. Ruins by Michael John Grist


Ritry Goligh lives in a society constantly in the verge of destruction by deadly tsunamis. But until the next one, Ritry will continue his work: diving in the minds of others, implanting knowledge, or removing painful memories. This is his life. Until he meets Mr. Ruins. Then everything changes.

'Mr. Ruins (Ruins Sonata Book 1)' by Michael John Grist is so messed up it may be brilliant. At first it reminded me of the movie Inception based on the idea of going into someone's mind, but I soon realized there is so much more to this book. The author writes at a perfected pace, and it kicks up a notch right when you get sucked into it and doesn't let up.

The setting is well done, and I got into it immediately. He managed to make nearly everything recognizable from what it is now without compromising the futuristic setting. I'm not typically great at picturing things in my mind, but I had no trouble doing so with this novel.

The added plot with the team of marines was clever, and was perfectly executed. By the end I was rooting for them, and emotionally invested in their mission.

Grist's style of writing does take some getting used to, but it works well with the novel. I found a few errors in the text, although not enough to take me out of the novel. Actually, only one did because it was a repeated word, but not a big deal.

If you're looking for an emotionally charged book, one that makes you question your state of mind, one that delves into the power of memories, and what lies at our core as a human, this is the book for you.

Get it on Amazon
Author's website

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