Wednesday 6 March 2019

Book Review: The Cerulean's Secret by Dennis Meredith


The Cerulean’s Secret follows the story of Tim and his accidental involvement in the theft of a genetically engineered cat. Worth more money than he’ll see in his entire lifetime, Tim has to help solve the mystery of the iridescent feline and who stole it. But along the way he discovers much more than the thieves' identity, but the Cerulean’s secret.

I’ll admit that I was initially drawn to the book because of my own novel, which also deals with animals and genetic testing (albeit in a slightly different way). It sounded so silly that I had to try it out. I can honestly say that I was not expecting this novel. I finished it largely in one sitting, which is quite rare for me. Dennis Meredith’s writing is quick, witty, and completely believable. Was some of it a little cheesy? Yep. But that honestly added to the story. It’s a very distinct style, and one I enjoyed thoroughly. I also really enjoyed how this novel can age. There are no definite years mentioned in the novel itself, or pop culture references (which I hate seeing in sci-fi) so it can stand the test of time.

The idea of genetically engineering animals honestly isn't that far out of our reach. Perhaps not in the ways described in the novel, but it’s there and definitely worth exploring as an ethical and even social issue. Meredith introduces the reader into this near-future society without bombarding us with heavy explanations. Everything feels natural as though we’ve always known this about the future technology. At times I felt as though everything just happened to line up so perfectly and was a bit overdone, but honestly I think that added to the style. And I really enjoyed how while the characters figured things out, the reader was kept in the dark until the big reveal. I thought that was really well done, but now re-reading it may not give the same impact.

So, my overall thoughts? Go read this novel. Enjoy.

You can buy the book on Amazon.

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